Sport. Is war bar the shooting
Sport does not exist free of the socio-cultural reality of the society of which it is a part. Rather than an escape from the real world, sport reinforces or responds to its cultural context. Thus nation conflicts can be seen to be acted out on the multifarious playing fields all over the world. There are many examples of sports being intertwined with the social,politics and culture of the time :
The 1936 Summer Olympics held in Berlin is an illustration, this event was used as propargranda for Nazism by Hitler, thought the heroics of Jesse Owens undermined his belief the so called superiority of the German race Another belief in white supremey was the Apartheid policy of the then South Africa government, Many African nations boycotted the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, this was as a result of then New Zealand Prime Minister allowing the All Blacks to tour South Africa.
The 1980 Olympic boycott of Moscow was fuelled by the cold war between NATO and the Warsaw pack . Thus U S and its allies didn't attend. This situation was mirriied in 1984 at los-Angeles. The original boycott was over USSR's invasion of Afghanistan. .
The popularity of Football lends itself to politics of the region or the religion. A war was coursed when Peru was defected by Paraguay. Many cities have teams that are based on religion Glasgow. Ones catholic the other protestant.. FC Barcelona stadium during the Franco era was said to have been one of the few places where the Catalan language could be spoken without fear of repression. Recent European cup games in Spain and Eastern Europe have witness overt display of racism, the usual monkey chanting, such moronic behaviour occurred to the Likes of john Barnes and the WBA trio of trio of Cyrille Regis, Laurie Cunningham and Brendan Batson. With multi prograged attack from government, and football clubs a lot of this overt racism has been removed, thought the die hards will still be there( Ron atkinson)